Over the last few weeks students in the York Middle School 7th and 8th grade Student Council have been working to support the York Community Service Associations Food Pantry. The students began by hosting a food drive where students and staff at YMS were asked to donate goods. At the conclusion of the food drive, the students and staff brought in over 325 items! This was very appreciated. The grade level with the most items contributed was the 5th grade and they have earned a treat for the end of the year! Shortly after the YMS food drive, fifteen of the 7th and 8th grade student council members got to spend some time volunteering at the YCSA Food Pantry. The students had to help unpack, process, and organize all of the goods. While they were there they were given some insight as to how the food pantry operates and got the opportunity to assist in doing some helpful jobs around the building. A special THANK YOU goes out to Ledgemere Transportation for donating a driver and bus to shuffle the students back to school after they volunteered.
![Students at YCSA](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/york_school_department_ar/article/image/large_e102ff5b-7000-410b-97af-3bf792ea17aa.png)
Student Council Members Pitch in for YCSA
May 12, 2023