Memorial Day Parade was a huge hit with our band!
over 1 year ago, YMS Wildcats
yms band
Happy Birthday to our amazing face of the front office Barb Armitage! She's so classic we love her.
over 1 year ago, YMS Wildcats
Barb Bday
What a great day for our Special Olympian students last week! After being canceled for many years due to COVID, the games resumed on a beautiful sunny day! The school rallied to send students off with posters and cheers and hallways lined with clapping students. The staff who went with them said to the school, “thank you all so much for the amazing, energetic, colorful, thoughtful rally you gave our athletes! You gave them confidence to start their day. They had a great time and rocked the games! We came home with lots of ribbons and smiles.” Well done, everyone!
over 1 year ago, YMS Principal
On podium
The Chorus Concert on May 17 was a hit! Congratulations to everyone, and thank you Mrs. Etter!
over 1 year ago, YMS Wildcats
York Middle School Chorus Concert this week!! They sound amazing, come check them out.
over 1 year ago, YMS Wildcats
Chorus concert
Teachers helped to celebrate our wonderful Mr. Bloise's birthday, by dressing like him in his honor! We love Mr. Bloise!
over 1 year ago, YMS Wildcats
Mr. Bloise
There is a regional art show this weekend that will include the artwork of some York students throughout the district. The opening is Friday night 4-6pm at the Barn Gallery in Ogunquit!
over 1 year ago, YMS Wildcats
Barn Gallery
The University of Southern Maine Osher Map Library hosts an annual mapmaking contest where 4th-6th grade students from around the state submit their maps for a chance to win $1,000! This year, thirty-two 6th graders from York Middle School submitted a map to the contest and we have a finalist. Jasper Bloomer's map of Titasia has made the top 12! Let’s show our support by voting for Jasper! Go to: to vote and look for Jasper’s map titled Titasia. Voting is open all week.
over 1 year ago, YMS Principal
Jaspers Map
In honor of tomorrow's Kentucky Derby, 6th graders (and a smattering of Jaguar staff, hi Mr. Duggan) are wearing crazy hats today. So festive!
almost 2 years ago, York School Department
Hat Day in celebration of tomorrow's Kentucky Derby.
8th graders went out to the Fuller Forest Preserve in York to collect data for a citizen science project in collaboration with the Gulf of Maine Research institute and the University of Maine. Scientists are trying to answer the questions: What is the distribution of caddisflies, fairy shrimp, and amphibian species in vernal pools in the Northeast? How will their distribution change as the climate warms?
almost 2 years ago, YMS Wildcats
Vernal Pools
Vernal Pools
Vernal Pools
The 7th and 8th grade York Middle School student council recently conducted its annual food drive for the YCSA Food Pantry. During the two-week drive, YMS students and staff brought in 325 goods for donation. The items will go to appreciative local community members. The 5th grade collected the most items, and two students were recognized as the top contributors: Aaron Gurtman (for 7th and 8th grades) and Shawn Weiner (for the 5th and 6th grades).
almost 2 years ago, York School Department
Donation items for YSCA drive.
YMS student council sorting items for donation.
6th grade council members sorting items for donation
sorting items for donation
Volunteer Appreciation Month
almost 2 years ago, Whitney Thornton
community volunteers
We are so thankful for our peer listeners!
almost 2 years ago, Whitney Thornton
peer listeners
During a 7th grade unit on the Integumentary System, the students participated in a demonstration by Officer McKinnon on the history of fingerprinting and how it is used today to solve crimes. The students then took one of their fingerprints, identified the major classification, and turned it into art.
almost 2 years ago, YMS Wildcats
Fingerprint Unit
Fingerprint Unit
Fingerprint Unit
Join the York School Committee Meeting tonight (April 5) at 7 p.m., at York Public Library. The meeting is streamable at The Committee is expected to vote on the appointment of YSD's new Superintendent of Schools. For tonight’s complete agenda, visit
almost 2 years ago, York School Department
The York School Committee at the York Public Library.
5th graders are braver than you think! Dissecting a squid and learning anatomy with Ms. Cronin.
almost 2 years ago, YMS Wildcats
squid 🦑
squid 🦑
squid 🦑
April 4, 2023 Statement from the York School Committee Re: Superintendent Search Dear YSD parents and guardians, On Monday, the Bangor Daily News reported that Tim Doak has been selected as the next Superintendent of Schools of the York School Department. The announcement is a bit premature in that, by Maine statute, the decision to hire a superintendent of schools must be accomplished by a majority vote of the School Committee. After deliberations and discussions held in Executive Session on Wednesday evening, 29 March, the School Committee authorized the Chair to begin contract negotiations with Mr. Doak, and that process is proceeding on track to allow the required vote to occur at the regularly scheduled School Committee meeting on Wednesday, April 5. The other finalist candidate, CRES Principal Sean Murphy, was informed of the intentions of the School Committee on the morning of 30 March. A press release and more robust announcement will follow the April 5th meeting. We invite you to join our public meeting in person at the York Public Library at 7pm; the meeting is also televised and available as a recording on our website following the meeting. We appreciate the input and time invested by our school community and search committee in selecting our finalists.
almost 2 years ago, York School Department
ysd logo
Making....poop???? 7th graders recreated each part of the digestive system and watched what happened as the snack (pudding, crackers, and banana) went through each organ of the digestive tract until the snack became poop. It was definitely talked about throughout the hallways and I think students will think twice before eating pudding for a while.
almost 2 years ago, YMS Wildcats
Making Poop
Thank you to the parents and children who visited us at Math Night. As promised, they played games, solved puzzles, and enjoyed practicing and learning math. Parents and adults even learned a thing or two.
almost 2 years ago, York School Department
Kids and parents learned at math night.
Playing a game with dad at math night.
Students challenged their parents to a math game.
Learning together makes math fun.
Upcoming Art show at York Public Library.
almost 2 years ago, YMS Wildcats
art show